Sunday, March 7, 2010

Barzhini Commercial Shoot, Part Deux

I have no excuse for the length of time it has taken me to post this. Sorry!  With that out of the way, I'll tell you about our fearless leaders (pictured above with Troy).  Whole Wheat Treats, LLC is the dynamic duo of Sean and Marshall.  They are EIGHTEEN.  I know I was surprised!  I believe it was their professionalism on set that led me to believe they had to be in their late 20s.

As they day progressed, we all got to know each other a little bit better--possibly too well.  It was about the time I mentioned I write a blog about my modeling (and apparently now acting) and writing experiences while we were all helping ourselves to the free pizza that questions about exactly WHAT I put in the blog came up.  It was about that time that Mark Bittle, fellow actor and all-around fun guy started asking me for his business card back.  I counted at least five other requests after that one.  You're not getting it back, Mark!  Hopefully you've come to terms with that.  :)  No worries, guys.  Your secrets (and random bits of personal information) are safe with me.


I was a little jealous of Troy who didn't originally have a single line.  His impromptu line may or may not be in the final cut.  We'll all soon see.  I'm all about the acting, if only memorization didn't come into play so often...  It takes a great actor to pull off a screen presence with sheer movements and facial expressions.  Hats off to Troy.

I also has the chance to meet the lovely women of Barzhini.  Tonya and friends were fantastically supportive, although nearly invisible as they stayed out of Marshall and Sean's way.  As some of our scenes were all over the place, that move was probably a very wise one. 

What a great experience--I don't regret for a minute answering that casting call.  I miss you guys!

Note:  My aplogizes to Troy, whom I've been calling Eric.  Not really sure why... I'm sure there were deep psychological reasons.   :)     



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